
The future of CO2 transparency with BASF and CircularTree


el Martes, 25 de Marzo 2025


14:00 Europe/Berlin

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Agenda del evento

Introduction & Objectives
Learn how digital ecosystems like Catena-X and PACT are revolutionizing CO₂ transparency in supply chains.

Digital Ecosystems & Their Benefits
Insights into the latest developments and opportunities for businesses.

Live Demo: PACIFIC App
Presentation of the innovative solution for the secure exchange of Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) data.

Future Outlook & Q&A
Discussion on future developments and an opportunity to ask questions to our experts.

Thomas Kiciak, Senior Manager Digitalization Transportation, BASF
Gunther Walden, CEO, CircularTree

Register now and actively shape CO₂ transparency!

Thomas Kiciak

Senior Manager Digitalization Transportation.
19 Years Experience in various positions at BASF.

Gunther Walden

CEO | Founder of CircularTree
30+ years of experience in global supply chains in Automotive & FMCG industry